This man who coolly gave up KRW 5.3 billion and chased Park Chan-ho...Finally, after four months, this is not over in 2024

This man who coolly gave up KRW 5.3 billion and chased Park Chan-ho...Finally, after four months, this is not over in 2024

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He gave up a considerable amount of 4 million U.S. dollars. Although his throat and groin were not in good condition, he requested the registration of the restricted list by himself saying, "I am not in a situation where I can rehabilitate properly," causing a stir in the public. Darvish Yu (38, San Diego Padres) shows the dignity of a professional.메이저놀이터

Darvish started the home game against the Houston Astros in the 2024 Major League Baseball at Petco Park in San Diego, California on the 17th (Korea time) and won six wins (three losses) of the season by allowing three hits, three strikeouts, and two walks in six innings.

Darvish is going to spend the second season of his six-year, $108 million contract. On April 18, he was put on the 15-day injured list due to neck pain. On June 2, he was put on the 15-day injured list due to a left groin injury. However, the San Diego Padres moved Darvish to the restricted list as of July 7. Players who are on the Korean list will not be paid during that period.

It turned out that Darvish asked the club and voluntarily went from the injured list to the limited list. I thought it didn't make sense to get an annual salary from the club when I couldn't concentrate on rehabilitation for personal reasons and couldn't prepare to play baseball again. According to U.S. media, Darvish gave up about 4 million dollars (about 5.3 billion won).

As such, Darvish returned to the mound against the Detroit Tigers on May 5, three months after the game against the Miami Marlins on May 30. It was unlikely that he would be away for as long as three months unless it was for personal reasons. Anyway, Darvish came back prepared to take the mound again. He has two wins and an ERA of 3.29 in three games in September.

In the game against the Detroit Tigers on Saturday, he allowed four hits, four strikeouts, two walks and three runs during two ⅔ innings, which was not good. He has clearly revealed his sensory issues in actual games. However, he showed signs of recovery by allowing seven hits, five strikeouts and two runs during five innings against the Seattle Mariners on Sunday. He made a quality start for the first time in about four months since the game against the Atlanta Braves on May 20 (seven innings of two hits, nine strikeouts, one walk, and no run).

With a 95-mile lead and fighting spirit, a 90-mile splitter, an 80-mile sweeper, and a 70-mile curve. Notably, he used curves and sweeper in the 7-80-mile range, and efficiently cooked Houston batters by using speed cars. He was substituted at the start of the seventh inning with a 2-0 lead.
With his victory, Darvish had 109 wins in total. Even if he fails to add more wins to the remaining regular season, he will narrow down the gap between Park and Nomo Hideo to 14-15 wins. In other words, if Darvish continues to be healthy in the 2026 season following the 2025 season, he will pass over Nomo and Park Chan-ho in turn and rank No. 1 in Asian Major Leaguers. Park's bid for the most innings is also ongoing.

Darvish shows off his value as a pro at the end of the season. Attention is also focusing on what kind of performance he will show in the postseason. Darvish has four wins, six losses and an earned run average of 4.19, out of 11 postseason games.

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